Microsoft Dynamics Ax Serial Number


One of my colleagues just sent me a link to a great little post which introduces a new feature where you can do serial number registration at the time of issuing material to a production order – so for instance you can receive a pallet lot of components (which each have their own serial number) but only capture the serial number of each component as it is issued to production.

The blog post is here:

This is analogous to the option we’ve had for a while now to capture the serial number only at sales order issue – and I think it’s a nice extension to the functionality offered by Dynamics AX 2012. More information on the sales process is here.

Incidentally that Dynamics AX Manufacturing R&D Team blog has a lot of nice posts in it, and I’ve added it a link to it on the right of this page.

When you do this, Microsoft Dynamics AX does the following: The Serial number control check box is selected. If this check box is selected, you must register one serial number for each item on the packing slip or invoice. Microsoft Dynamics AX Training for AX 2012 R3 on Serial Number Validation, Part III. Welcome to Part III of the Microsoft Dynamics AX Training demo on Serial Number Validation. This portion of the AX 2012 R3 video demonstration will cover correcting packing slips and invoices with serialized items. I assign the serial numbers manually in the form serial numbers for the item ABC 001 Serial numbers = sl 001, sl 002, sl 003. I created a purchase order and i select sl 001 for qty = 10 for ABC 001. Again i create the purchase order and i select sl 001. For qty = 20 for ABC 001. But system is not prompting any message. Then what is the use of.

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX Training for AX 2012 R3 on Serial Number Validation, Part II. Welcome to Part II of the Microsoft Dynamics AX Training demo on Serial Number Tracking System in AX 2012 R3. This portion of the AX 2012 R3 video demonstration will cover customer pickup of sales orders with serialized items and the partial delivery.
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX Training for AX 2012 R3 on Serial Number Validation, Part II. Welcome to Part II of the Microsoft Dynamics AX Training demo on Serial Number Validation. This portion of the AX 2012 R3 video demonstration will cover customer pickup of sales orders with serialized items and the partial delivery and invoicing of sales orders.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

This topic describes how to trace an item or raw material upstream or downstream in the supply chain. Depending on the item or raw material and how your organization sets up its products, you can trace a combination of the item number and tracking dimension. You can also add more trace criteria, such as storage dimensions and a specific period of time.

After you trace the item or raw material as described in step 1, you can perform the next steps in any order.


Microsoft Dynamics Ax Serial Number List

This topic does not apply to versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 prior to cumulative update 6 for AX 2012 R2.

1. Trace an item or raw material

To trace an item or raw material, follow these steps:

  1. Click Inventory management > Inquiries > Tracing > Item tracing.

  2. On the Trace criteria FastTab, enter the following information:

    1. In the Item number field, select the item to trace.

    2. In the Batch number, Serial number, or Vendor batch number fields, select a tracking dimension that includes the item.

    3. In the Forward or backward field, specify the direction to trace.

    4. Provide any optional trace criteria.

    5. On the Action Pane, click Trace. Central locking wiring diagram vw golf.

2. Identify sales orders to recall

To find sales orders that include the item or raw material and that have been shipped to customers, follow these steps:

  1. Click Inventory management > Inquiries > Tracing > Item tracing.

  2. Enter the item number, tracking dimension, and any optional trace criteria to use.

  3. In the Forward or backward field, select Backward.

  4. To trace the item, on the Action Pane, click Trace.

  5. After the trace is finished, complete any of the following tasks:

    • To view a list of sales orders that have been shipped, click Shipped sales orders.

    • To print a report that shows all sales orders for the item or raw material, or a finished product that used them, click Shipped to customers. The report also contains contact information for each customer.


      When you trace backward, the report lists only the sales invoice lines for the item and the customers who received it. If you trace a raw material that is used as an ingredient, the report also describes all of the relations from the ingredient to the product. The additional information can be especially useful for customer service purposes.

3. Identify sales orders to stop from shipping

To find sales orders that haven’t yet shipped and that must be stopped, follow these steps:

  1. Click Inventory management > Inquiries > Tracing > Item tracing.

  2. Enter the item number, tracking dimension, and any optional trace criteria to use.

  3. In the Forward or backward field, select Forward.

  4. To trace the item, on the Action Pane, click Trace.

  5. Installshield limited edition for visual studio tutorial. After the trace is finished, complete any of the following tasks:

    • To find the sales orders that have to be stopped, click Not shipped sales orders. These are the sales orders that are not shipped as of the current date, regardless of whether a date range was specified in the trace criteria.

    • To display a list of the customers who purchased the item, click Customers. Swishmax 3 serial key free download.

4. Identify production orders to stop or prevent from starting

To identify the production orders that will use or are using an item or raw material, follow these steps:

  1. Click Inventory management > Inquiries > Tracing > Item tracing.

  2. Enter the item number, tracking dimension, and any other relevant trace criteria.

  3. In the Forward or backward field, select Backward.

  4. On the Action Pane, click Trace.

  5. After the trace is finished, complete any of the following tasks:

    • To identify the production orders that you can prevent from starting, click Pending orders. These are the orders that are pending as of the current date, regardless of whether a date range was specified in the trace criteria.

    • To identify the production orders that you can stop, click Production orders. These are the orders that are at least partially reported as finished.


      The same production order does not appear in both summaries.

5. Determine the amount of the item or raw material that is still in inventory

To determine the amount of an item or raw material that you currently have in inventory, follow these steps:


Microsoft Serial Number Find

  1. Click Inventory management > Inquiries > Tracing > Item tracing.

  2. Enter the item number, tracking dimension, and any other relevant trace criteria.

  3. In the Forward or backward field, select Backward.

  4. On the Action Pane, click Trace.

  5. When the trace is finished, click the Details FastTab. The first node in the tree displays the quantity, in the inventory unit, of the traced item or raw material that is currently on hand.


To view the on-hand inventory for a document or transaction in the tree, on the Details FastTab, select the node, and then click On-hand inventory.

6. Identify the vendor who provided an item or raw material

To identify the vendor that the item or raw material was purchased from, follow these steps:

  1. Click Inventory management > Inquiries > Tracing > Item tracing.

  2. Enter the item number, tracking dimension, and any other relevant trace criteria.

  3. In the Forward or backward field, select Forward or Backward.

  4. On the Action Pane, click Trace.

  5. Click Vendors to view the list of vendors who provided the item or raw material.

Microsoft Serial Number

Technical information for system administrators

If you don't have access to the pages that are used to complete this task, contact your system administrator and provide the information that is shown in the following table.



Configuration keys


Security roles

The following are examples of the security roles that are required to perform inquiries into the status of an inventory item and related items:

  • Quality control clerk

  • Sales manager

  • Purchase manager

  • Production manager

Microsoft Dynamics Ax Serial Number Free

See also